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 Critical Learning Club


 We mentor our students to deepen their compassion and foster commitment to sustainability of the planet. 

Critical Learning Club : Welcome

What people say about CLC

Inhwa K

Dear Eunnye, 

I believe it was the first Summer program that my son, Jaden, entirely enjoyed, and in which he found  his own real satisfaction. I am so grateful and recognize this unique educational opportunity at last. 

Jaden especially loved talking about his outdoor program experience and shared  it as soon as he returned home each day.,. By listening to his recounting each afternoon, I realized again the great importance for of this program experience for him.

Thank you.

Eunjin L

My eight-year-old daughter immensely enjoyed The CLC Saturday Spring Outdoor Discovery program. And I enjoyed learning about the value of essential education almost as much as my daughter did.  

In the beginning, I felt CLC might be ideal but out of my reach financially. Now, I am grateful and see it as realistic, effective and feasible.  

My daughter has joined again for the  Summer 2021 program.  

Thank you.

이런 교육을 통해 사실 아이도 아이지만 엄마가 더 많이 배우는 부분이 많은것 같아요. 많이 부족 한데 사실 첨에 들을 때는 이상 적인 교육 같아 멀게 느꼈는데요. 이게 현실로 할 수 있다는게 너무 신기하고 너무 감사하고 그러네요.

Heehwa L.

Eunnye understood my daughter's strengths and motivation right away, and agreed to guide her in time when she needed it.

My daughter met Eunnye remotely, 1:1, once a week for an hour for 5 sessions.  She immediately lit up and transformed. She became self-initiating in her visual learning and now keeps herself creative and active. 

I believe each child has a unique quality that needs loving attention to become complete human being. Each time I attend talks by CLC. I am convinced and so glad that CLC’s approaches match with my concept of education. 

Carol H.

My daughter used to struggle with Math and academic subjects in past years. She has been mentored one on one math once, or twice a week for one year. Now, to my surprise she is thriving, enjoying  learning math and everything else.  She achieved her best outcome from the school in 7th grade and is very satisfied with herself.  I am so happy with her growth all around.  She has gained her confidence and self awareness through studying math. 

얼마전 교육관련 세미나 하며 함께 나눴지요? 송이가 참 어렸을때 성적이 많이 쳐지고 힘들어했던… 이번년도 성적이 나왔는데,, 본인이 참 만족스러워 합니다.

아시다시피 수학만 과외를 일주일에 한시간씩 두번 한 것 뿐,,, 아무것도 안시키고 혼자 뒀던 몇년,, “엄마, learning is fun” 하며 말해줬었던게 얼마전이었는데 오늘 성적표를 보고 많이 좋아하네요... 늘 고득점 맞는 여러분들의 자녀들과 달리 제 딸은 5학년 이전에는 성적이 많이 힘들었었어요.. 근데 6학년 이후 오늘이 가장 좋은 성적을 맞이했네요.

지금도 요것조것 뭘 좋아라 하는지 찾아가는 과정인데, 성적에 pressure 를 안주는 저같은 부모와 달리 제 딸은 성적이 좋길 바라믄 기질이 다른 아이임을 이해해 가고 있는 중 본인이 기뻐하니 저희도 기뻐했습니다.

Sinyoung J.

I attend CLC seminars and am gradually able to comprehend and try the CLC’s approaches.  I have learned and agree that conscious learning continues as an activity for a lifetime.

저도 처음엔. 난감하구나....막연하게만 생각돼었는데. 듣고 경험하게 하고. 또 듣고..그러면서 하나씩 실천하게 돼네요.

Critical learning 이 아이부터 성인까지 배울 수 있다는것에 크게 동의해요

Dr. Stephen Rudin

As the Founder and Principal Mentor of Individual U., EFCNY, Peak Year, and the Curriculum for Thriving, I worked with perhaps 100 remarkable mentors over twenty years.
Eunnye Yang was among the very best as well the most beloved and appreciated by her students and their parents. At CLC, Eunnye shares her life-transforming insights, skills and practices of sustainable living, mindfulness, meditation, movement and yoga. She also offers Indigo educational assessment as well as mentorship in journaling and lifepath journeying. If you have a child who can't seem to listen quietly and learn, you might consider working with Eunnye, whose cat whispering skills have translated into a personal genius with young children who would benefit from stillness and self confidence. 


Critical Learning Club : Testimonials
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